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How to Live in Your Purpose Part One

Ask God to use you for the specific purpose that He made you for – without any involvement from your overthinking mind – then let go and let Him do His job. That way, you won’t have to worry about what you have to do. You’ll just need to be open, excellent, and obedient. The Bible says “work as if you are working for the Lord and not for men.” You’ll be fueled with an automatic navigation system called the Holy Spirit and it will tell you what to do. He’ll actually lead you to your assignment and will lead others to you who are to be served as a part of your Divine purpose.

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  1. Teresa Habernal

    I heard about Dr. Richardson’s book The Symphony on Sister Circle today but I’ve not been able to find it on Amazon and I checked with our local library but they don’t have it and not able to locate it. Is it still available?

    Thank You.

  2. Hi Lynn,

    I was listening to your conservation today and it truly struck a nerve and that is you are never too old to make a change. I believe I was put here on this earth to be happy, my problem is I’m a procrastinator I need to just step out on faith and let God. I want to move now more than ever, my neighborhood has become too violent to continue living here. I need you to help me prepare for this move.

    Thank you,
    Linda Walker

  3. Ms Richardson,

    I am 62 years of age and would like to know the best way to invest a lump-sum of disability of
    back pay. I understand it’s not a one-size fits all, but I am in need of advice.

    Thank you,

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